Five Mistakes Authors Make During Media Interviews

If you think a media interview – radio, TV, or print – is about your book, it’s not. It’s about the topics in your book, especially if you can relate it to a current news story. OR it may be about why you wrote your book, or how your message can help readers. You should always know why your book is important to their audience. If you have a fiction book, you may have to dig a little deeper to find the connection – but there is one! We’ve found in 25+ years of booking live radio and TV interviews, there are a few common mistakes to watch for:

  1. Wearing the wrong outfit – a plaid shirt and wild tie or large earrings, a necklace that hits the mic, etc.. Keep it basic and make sure your attire reflects the image (your brand) you want to project about you, your business and your book. he topics in your book.
  2. Forgetting your 3 main talking points. Practice, practice, practice. And be prepared to redirect if the host steers you off topic.
  3. Answering in long paragraphs. You need to get to the point! Answer in bullet points and about 3-4 sentences at most. Practice this. This is crucial to doing a successful interview.
  4. Assuming the host will mention your book and website. Don’t count on it! Be sure and hand the host a signed copy of your book before the interview – they will usually put it in the TV shot. Practice finessing your book title into the conversation subtly, give them a hand out and graphics to put on screen, and always thank the host at the end as you quickly mention where your book is available. (All major retailers and on your website!)

If you’d like to learn more about how to give a great media interview, join me and Peg Booth on March 25, 2023, for our much-requested MEDIA TRAINING FOR AUTHORS webinar! Sign up TODAY and get the early bird pricing!

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